Well the Reality Distortion Field has never been in more full effect than it was last Wednesday with the announcement and release of the G5 Video iPod.
Despite Steve Jobs well-known and long documented protestations over video (immersive technology) on a small screen Apple have caved and gone to the market with the iPod update that has been forced upon him by market and popular expectation.
It's sad that there is emerging this view that you have to have one device to do everything when the iPod has done music so well. I wouldn't want to combine my iPod with my cellphone because I'm sure as hell not going to dock my phone with my stereo when I get home from work.
And this is why the iPod rules in the music player stakes and also why video won't hurt it. It is so damned practical to dump all your music on it. For fanatics like me it is the business. It won't displace my phone but it has displaced my two PDAs (one an aging Palm IIIe and the other the lacklustre and backlight bereft Palm Zire 21) and frankly I'm pleased to se the back of them as the iPod's contact display and management options are more than enough for my needs.