Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More iPod Envy

The Microsofters are getting more desperate by the day is this strangely named page (accessed via a link off the beta version of the new aol.com) shows.

Its all about passion, and the default screen for this collection of Passion that encompasses "lifestyle" is music.

What marketing dweeb at Redmond Headquarters would have signed off on this creative? It's fairly appallingly generic (reminds me of clip art gone crazy from 10 years ago) and a classic example of a company on the back foot, pumping up the vapourware while another little company (with supposed tiny market share) has stolen the march and keeps improving and developing its product range in both hardware and software for where the next computing battle is being fought ... the home.

I would say now that this goes beyond iPod Envy, this is now fully Apple Envy and Microsoft are very scared and probably more so now that Apple has a pending move to Intel in the wings.

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